PhD Research (done!!!)
"Contributions to Conservation, Restoration and Rehabilitation planning design: Documentary Methodology based in terrestrial digital photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning"
>> Volume I (portuguese only!)The main activity of this research is being done under the following research project - ArcHC3D. Some of the activity is also being done under collaborations with other civil institutions. >>
One of the practical outputs of this is a LISP routine that can be used to rectify drawings. It can be downloaded here >> .
Example of drawing rectification
“Architectural Heritage Conservation: a Methodology to 3D Laser Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry Documentation” (ref.FCT : PTDC/AUR/66476/2006) is an ongoing research Project with the following goals: i) to study the framework of built Architectural Heritage graphical documentation within Conservation and Restoration, ii) to develop documentation methodologies suited to a wide Conservation Design contexts, and iii) to assess the potential of digital photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning as analysis and diagnosis tools. It joins four Universities ( Technical University of Lisbon – Faculty of Architecture Minho University – Archaeology unit, Coimbra University, Valladolid University – Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura – Photogrammetry Laboratory) and IGESPAR (the Portuguese institute responsible for architectural heritage management). I'm one of the researchers of this project that is also associated with CIAUD (see bellow)!
>> link to ArcHC3D websiteCIAUD
The Research Centre for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design (CIAUD) operates under the respective Regulation, approved in a plenary session of the Scientific Council of FAUTL (Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon)...
>> link to CIAUD siteResearch Group in Drawing and Visual Communication
This is a recently created I&D structure that arises from the new Department of Drawing and Visual Communication at the Faculty of Architecture. This group is specially directed towards the multidisciplinary study of the representation, conception, perception and visual communication phenomena. Soon you will find here a link to the group website. All the members of the Department also belong to this group.
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