In this page you can find short references and some images about investigation done in FAUTL, and in which I participated, in collaboration with civil society structures (city councils, companies, and other institutions).

Collaboration with architecture offices

> Photogrammetric survey (rectified images) of 50000 m2 of "Terreiro do Paço" façades - Lisbon (2009).

This survey was a FAUTL collaboration with Atelier 15. This collaboration was done in the scope of my PhD research.

Survey - Rectified photography

Conservation assessment - Stone work

Conservation assessment - Coating mortars and painting

Collaboration with private survey companies

All these three collaborations were done in the scope of my PhD research. The company is3D Total.

> 2D Graphic restitution of the 3D laser scanning survey of "Cerca Velha" - Lisbon. (2010)

> 2D Graphic restitution of the 3D laser scanning survey of Sacramento Church - Lisbon. (2008)

> 2D Graphic restitution of the 3D laser scanning survey of a XIXth century building - Lisbon. (2007)

Collaboration with city councils

> Photogrammetric survey of "Chafariz dos Canos" - Torres Vedras. (2008)

This survey was performed with Photomodeler, Perspective Rectifier, and Total Station. This collaboration was done in the scope of my PhD research.

Survey - Photogrammetric survey

Survey - Section and Elevation

Conservation assessment - Materials (done by Nova Conservação)

>> Chafariz dos Canos on Photosynth 1
>> Chafariz dos Canos on Photosynth 2

Point cloud of "Chafariz dos Canos" from photosynth: 151 photos, 159354 pts.

Collaboration with cultural associations

> Survey of the roman "villa" of Freiria - Cascais. (last survey 2001)

This survey was done by the former photogrammetry laboratory of FAUTL directed by Professor Pedro Fialho de Sousa.


The following two surveys were done by the former photogrammetry laboratory of FAUTL directed by Professor Pedro Fialho de Sousa.

> Survey of Monge "thollos" - Sintra. (1999)

> Survey of Tituaria "thollos" - Malveira. (1998)

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