
  1. Conceptualization 3D, incorporation of project images as a work base with incorporation of conceptual elements;
  2. Solid modelling, manipulation of coordinate systems, production of polygons in differentiated figuration planes;
  3. Geometric operations with solids. Creation of two-dimensional graphical elements from solids;
  4. Linking modelling - visualization. Priority in the properties of the elements, system of differentiation of elements, resolution of curves;
  5. Display program interface. Creation and modification of elements; manipulation of modelling history;
  6. Creation and application of textures to geometry, types of textures: image and procedural. Browser configuration of materials;
  7. Lighting, production of synthesis and video images;
  8. Introduction to the BIM (Building Information Modelling) concept;
  9. Introduction to the concept of user-oriented programmsing;
  10. Production of models with digital manufacturing techniques.