The Creator

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Hey! My name is Eva, I'm an architecture student, at the Faculdade de Arquitectura de Lisboa, currently taking an integrated Master specialized in interior design and rehabilitation. I was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal. So I hope this uncertain profession of my choosing takes me around the world, first to learn and then to create, and share. But mostly, I would say, to get to explore all the possible versions or aspects of my architecture. Whatever that will mean.

A quote I appreciate related to my area of work;

 God is in the details.

by Mies van der Rohe

photo of the creator

photo of an architecture model

photo of an architecture model

photo of an architecture model

photo of an architecture model

Page created within the scope of the SRD and MVTA disciplines.

Under the guidance and tutoring of the professors Eugenio Coimbra and Victor Ferreira.

Under the name of the Faculdade de Arquitectura de Lisboa, FAULisboa