
CIAUD Urbanism Cluster (2022-05-11) CITIDEP - Research Center   e-Planning Consortium []

Pedro Ferraz de Abreu
PhD Urban & Regional Planning, MIT
MS. Media Arts & Sciences, MIT
Lic. Computer Engineering, FCT-UNL
BS. Electronics & Telecom Eng., ISEL
Curriculum file
Publications (with links) | Publications (file)

  • Professor Catedrático Convidado:
  • Visiting Scholar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), DUSP, 2023
  • PhD Fellow, Research Affiliate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), DUSP, 2003-2006, 2023
  • Researcher, SATCART, NATO-PO-SATCART, 1988-1992
  • SPURS Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), DUSP, 1990-1991
  • CAES Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), ASP, 1986-1987