

Naadir is a research project. The main theme of the project is the use and effectiveness of perspective in conceptual and presentation drawings, within urban and architectural design activities.


The activities and expected results of this research project will address and improve the role of perspective in graphical representation of space.


Our investigations will take into account the implementation of the EPS - Extended Perspective System. The EPS is a geometrical system of representation that gathers and articulates the linear perspective and the curvilinear perspectives (spherical and cylindrical) under the same conceptual and operative formulation.


We want to bring to computational perspective drawing an additional flexibility, by the implementation of the EPS concept. With this realization, we expect to see rigorous perspectives gain some of the attributes that are inherent to hand-drawing ones.


The team is a diversified group of researchers, gathering knowledge and competences of drawing, geometry, mathematics and computation.

Last Updated (Thursday, 28 October 2010 11:16)