Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa

Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura 2A

Representação Digital

Professor Luís Romão

Sara Leal

Semana 10

--> 3ds learning (Tuesday, 21 Nov)

T0 house:
- Re-explination of adding patterns to the t0 house
- Addition of ceiling/roof
- Placing sound effects in relation to various parts of the house (in this case the door)
- Adding roation to the front door of the house

See below process photos:

--> 3ds learning (Friday, 24 Nov)

T0 house:
- Continuing adding movement to door
- Ajusting camera man to move into door and across house
- Ajustment of camera man "path" to navigate camera man's view to look around various parts of the house
- Ajustment of sound effects to line up with previously set movements (doorbell ringing, door opening)
- Addition of spotlights within house and number on door

See below process photos:
