HTML revisions. Consolidation.

Coordinate systems, units/scales, geometric entities, visualization (perspective).

Modeling and editing of solids and surfaces (Platonic solids), use of the Autocad program.

Command: _UNITS Command: _SAVEAS Command: VPORTS Command: PL PLINE Specify start point: 0,0 Current line-width is 0.0000 Specify next point or [Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 1,0 Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 1,1 Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 0,1 Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: c Command: ZOOM Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or [All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] : e EXTRUDE Command: COPY Select objects: all 5 found Select objects: Current settings: Copy mode = Multiple Specify base point or [Displacement/mOde] : 0,0 Specify second point or [Array] : 1,1 Specify second point or [Array/Exit/Undo] : e Command: MIRROR Select objects: all 10 found Select objects: Specify first point of mirror line: 1,0 Specify second point of mirror line: 1,1 Erase source objects? [Yes/No] : Command: SELECT Select objects: previous 10 found Select objects: Command: CHPROP 10 found Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/PLotstyle/Annotative]: la Enter new layer name <0>: black Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/PLotstyle/Annotative]: Command: ARRAYCLASSIC