Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: Resuming PLINE command. Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: c Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: M MOVE 1 found Specify base point or [Displacement] : Specify second point or : Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: _u DROPGEOM GROUP Crossing Lasso Press Spacebar to cycle options Command: Command: Command: EXT EXTRUDE Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4, Closed profiles creation mode = Solid 1 found Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle/Expression] <2.985>: *Cancel* Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: PLAN Enter an option [Current ucs/Ucs/World] : Command: Command: Command: '_.-LAYER Current layer: "paredesU" Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/TRansparency/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile/Xref]: _THAW Enter name list of layer(s) to thaw: =imagem Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/TRansparency/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile/Xref]: Command: Command: '_.-LAYER Current layer: "paredesU" Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/TRansparency/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile/Xref]: _THAW Enter name list of layer(s) to thaw: =linhas_aux Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/TRansparency/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile/Xref]: Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: _vscurrent Enter an option [2dwireframe/Wireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Shaded/shaded with Edges/shades of Gray/SKetchy/X-ray/Other] : _2d Regenerating model. Command: Regenerating model. XL XLINE Specify a point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset]: H Specify through point: Specify through point: Specify through point: Command: Command: Command: _MEASUREGEOM Enter an option [Distance/Radius/Angle/ARea/Volume/Quick/Mode/eXit] : _distance Specify first point: Specify second point or [Multiple points]: Distance = 0.837, Angle in XY Plane = 270, Angle from XY Plane = 0 Delta X = 0.000, Delta Y = -0.837, Delta Z = 0.000 Enter an option [Distance/Radius/Angle/ARea/Volume/Quick/Mode/eXit] : Specify first point: Specify second point or [Multiple points]: Distance = 1.141, Angle in XY Plane = 90, Angle from XY Plane = 0 Delta X = 0.000, Delta Y = 1.141, Delta Z = 0.000 Enter an option [Distance/Radius/Angle/ARea/Volume/Quick/Mode/eXit] : Resuming MEASUREGEOM command. Enter an option [Distance/Radius/Angle/ARea/Volume/Quick/Mode/eXit] : Resuming MEASUREGEOM command. Enter an option [Distance/Radius/Angle/ARea/Volume/Quick/Mode/eXit] : Resuming MEASUREGEOM command. Enter an option [Distance/Radius/Angle/ARea/Volume/Quick/Mode/eXit] : Resuming MEASUREGEOM command. Enter an option [Distance/Radius/Angle/ARea/Volume/Quick/Mode/eXit] : Resuming MEASUREGEOM command. Enter an option [Distance/Radius/Angle/ARea/Volume/Quick/Mode/eXit] : *Cancel* Automatic save to C:\Users\maria\AppData\Local\Temp\uhousemodelacao_1_22532_90db53fa.sv$ ... Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: REC RECTANG Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]: <3DOsnap off> Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: Command: Regenerating model. Command: Command: ** STRETCH ** Specify stretch point: Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: Regenerating model. Command: Command: M MOVE 1 found Specify base point or [Displacement] : Specify second point or : 0.83 Command: Command: Command: Command: _copyclip 1 found Command: Command: Command: _pasteclip Specify insertion point: Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: M MOVE 1 found Specify base point or [Displacement] : Specify displacement <0.000, 0.000, 0.000>: Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: M MOVE 1 found Specify base point or [Displacement] : Specify second point or : Command: Command: M MOVE 1 found Specify base point or [Displacement] : Specify second point or : 1.14 Command: *Cancel* Command: Regenerating model. Command: Regenerating model. Command: Command: _.erase 1 found Command: EXTRUDE Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4, Closed profiles creation mode = Solid Select objects to extrude or [MOde]: 1 found Select objects to extrude or [MOde]: Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle/Expression] <2.985>: 1.14 Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Regenerating model. Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: Command: Command: _copyclip 1 found Command: Command: Command: _pasteclip Specify insertion point: *Cancel* Command: PLAN Enter an option [Current ucs/Ucs/World] : Regenerating model. Command: Command: Command: Command: _copyclip 1 found Command: Command: Command: _pasteclip Specify insertion point: Command: Command: Command: _pasteclip Specify insertion point: Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: RO ROTATE Current positive angle in UCS: ANGDIR=counterclockwise ANGBASE=0 1 found Specify base point: Specify rotation angle or [Copy/Reference] <90>: Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: M MOVE 1 found Specify base point or [Displacement] : Specify second point or : Command: Command: Command: Command: _copyclip 1 found Command: Command: Command: _pasteclip Specify insertion point: *Cancel* Command: Command: Command: Command: _copyclip 1 found Command: Command: Command: _pasteclip Specify insertion point: Command: Regenerating model. Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: M MOVE 1 found Specify base point or [Displacement] : Specify second point or : 0.83 Command: Regenerating model. Command: Regenerating model. Command: Command: '_.-LAYER Current layer: "VA0_JANELA" Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/TRansparency/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile/Xref]: _FREEZE Enter name list of layer(s) to freeze or : =linhas_aux Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/TRansparency/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile/Xref]: Command: Regenerating model. Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: _vscurrent Enter an option [2dwireframe/Wireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Shaded/shaded with Edges/shades of Gray/SKetchy/X-ray/Other] <2dwireframe>: _x Command: Command: SUBTRACT Select solids, surfaces, and regions to subtract from .. Select objects: 1 found Select objects: *Cancel* Command: UNI UNION Select objects: *Cancel* Command: SUBTRACT Select solids, surfaces, and regions to subtract from .. Select objects: 1 found Select objects: Select solids, surfaces, and regions to subtract .. Select objects: 1 found Select objects: 1 found, 2 total Select objects: 1 found, 3 total Select objects: 1 found, 4 total Select objects: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: _vscurrent Enter an option [2dwireframe/Wireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Shaded/shaded with Edges/shades of Gray/SKetchy/X-ray/Other] : _s Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: _vscurrent Enter an option [2dwireframe/Wireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Shaded/shaded with Edges/shades of Gray/SKetchy/X-ray/Other] : _r Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: _vscurrent Enter an option [2dwireframe/Wireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Shaded/shaded with Edges/shades of Gray/SKetchy/X-ray/Other] : _x Command: