Regenerating model. AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.*Cancel* Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: _qnew Command: Command: VPORTS Regenerating model. Regenerating model. Regenerating model. Regenerating model. Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: Regenerating model. Command: _u '.VIEWCUBEACTION Regenerating model. Command: Regenerating model. Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: BOX Specify first corner or [Center]: 0,0,0 Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]: 10,1,10 Command: _u BOX Command: U '.VIEWCUBEACTION Regenerating model. Command: Regenerating model. Command: BOX Specify first corner or [Center]: 0,0,0 Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]: 1,10,10 Command: _u BOX Command: BOX Specify first corner or [Center]: 0,0,0 Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]: 10,10,1 Command: '_-view Enter an option [?/Delete/Orthographic/Restore/Save/sEttings/Window]: _front Regenerating model. Command: '_-view Enter an option [?/Delete/Orthographic/Restore/Save/sEttings/Window]: _right Regenerating model. Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: _vscurrent Enter an option [2dwireframe/Wireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Shaded/shaded with Edges/shades of Gray/SKetchy/X-ray/Other] <2dwireframe>: _x Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: Automatic save to C:\Users\maria\AppData\Local\Temp\$ ... Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: ARRAYCLASSIC Select objects: 1 found Select objects: Pick or press Esc to return to dialog or : Command: Command: Command: Command: ARRAY Select objects: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: COPY Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 4 found Select objects: Current settings: Copy mode = Multiple Specify base point or [Displacement/mOde] : *Cancel* Command: Command: _copyclip Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 4 found Select objects: *Cancel* Command: Command: _pasteclip Specify insertion point: *Cancel* Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: COPY Select objects: all 4 found Select objects: Current settings: Copy mode = Multiple Specify base point or [Displacement/mOde] : Specify second point or [Array] : Specify second point or [Array/Exit/Undo] : *Cancel* Command: Z ZOOM Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or [All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] : e Regenerating model. Command: *Cancel* Command: Z ZOOM Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or [All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] : e Command: \z Unknown command "\Z". Press F1 for help. Command: E ERASE Select objects: \*Cancel* \ Command: Z ZOOM Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or [All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] : e Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: *Cancel* Command: ARRAYCLASSIC Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 8 found Select objects: Pick or press Esc to return to dialog or : Pick or press Esc to return to dialog or : Command: Command: Z ZOOM Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or [All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] : e Regenerating model. Command: Z ZOOM Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or [All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] : e Regenerating model. Command: Z ZOOM Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or [All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] : e Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: MIRROR Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 32 found Select objects: Specify first point of mirror line: Specify second point of mirror line: Erase source objects? [Yes/No] : Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: ** MOVE ** Specify move point or [Base point/Undo/eXit]: *Cancel* Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: _u '.ACGZDRAGACTION Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: _u Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: _u CHPROP Command: _u Command: _u CHPROP Command: CHPROP Select objects: p 1 found Select objects: Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: _u CHPROP Command: _u Command: _u MIRROR Command: _u '.3DPAN2 Command: MIRROR Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 32 found Select objects: Specify first point of mirror line: Specify second point of mirror line: *Cancel* Command: MIRROR Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 32 found Select objects: Specify first point of mirror line: Specify second point of mirror line: Erase source objects? [Yes/No] : Command: CHpo Unknown command "CHPO". Press F1 for help. Command: CHPROP Select objects: p 32 found Select objects: Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]: C New color [Truecolor/COlorbook] : red Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: CHPROP Select objects: p 32 found Select objects: Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]: c New color [Truecolor/COlorbook] : 1 Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]: *Cancel* Command: CHPROP Select objects: p 32 found Select objects: Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]: C New color [Truecolor/COlorbook] : T Red,Green,Blue: red Invalid color. Type three comma separated values from 0 to 255. Red,Green,Blue: 1 Invalid color. Type three comma separated values from 0 to 255. Red,Green,Blue: 1 Invalid color. Type three comma separated values from 0 to 255. Red,Green,Blue: *Cancel* Automatic save to C:\Users\maria\AppData\Local\Temp\$ ... Command: Command: CHPROP Select objects: p 32 found Select objects: Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]: C New color [Truecolor/COlorbook] : CO Enter Color Book name: red Color book not found. Enter Color Book name: *Cancel* Command: CHPROP Select objects: p 32 found Select objects: Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]: C New color [Truecolor/COlorbook] : 1 Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative]: Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: _vscurrent Enter an option [2dwireframe/Wireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Shaded/shaded with Edges/shades of Gray/SKetchy/X-ray/Other] : _r Command: Command: Command: Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: _vscurrent Enter an option [2dwireframe/Wireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Shaded/shaded with Edges/shades of Gray/SKetchy/X-ray/Other] : _x Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel*