UNVEILING THE DRAWING: Projects and Architecture in Luís Noronha da Costa

Luís Noronha da Costa (1942-2020) graduated as an Architect by the Lisbon School of Fine Arts (Escola Superior de Belas-Artes de Lisboa) becoming one of the most productive artists in Portugal, however, and although operating throughout several artistic territories, such as: Painting, Cinema, Sculpture, Architecture and Writing, his work remains nonetheless concealed to us under a veil of unawareness. The case of Luís Noronha da Costa (LNC) is a noticeable, and rare, example of a life’s body of work crossing several disciplinary boundaries — such fact alone, is, in our view, worthy of research. Concerning architecture, LNC’s projects, are from throughout all his works, the ones which suffer the most from lack of recognition from both the general public, and the Academia. Our research project seeks to bridge this gap of information, by bringing to light the artist’s architectural archive, as well as comparing it to his remaining body of work. In this sense, our aim is to compile and create an inventory of all information related to LNC’s architectural production, whether it be in the format of drawings, photographs, or text. The project maintains a digital archive with all collected information — one which, we envision, will become available, both to the scientific community, as well as to the general public. Periodically, the Project publishes its research results in academic journals, so as to deepen the awareness about Luís Noronha da Costa’s architectural and artistic work.


José Ferreira Crespo