Soraia Noorali

Soraia Noorali, received a degree in Architecture from FAUL (1996), with distinction and the awards Quelhas dos Santos and Joaquim Matias, for the best student and the best project. She took her master´s degree in “Architectural Culture and Construction of Modern Society”, (pre-Bologna), with a thesis titled “Paradigms of Ubiquity - the House Presence and Paradox”, having received a scholarship from FCT. At the same time, she collaborated with various ateliers and companies, established her own company and developed projects in different programmatic areas and in competitions. She collaborated with Portuguese and international ateliers and companies such as SONAE, 3g, Office, Unifica as a manager and an associate.

She was managing New Studies and Projects in SANA hotels (2008 until 2017), reporting directly to the Executive Committee Chairman throughout all phases and cycles of the integrated and sustainable projects obtaining awards in different categories, such as, World Luxury Hotel Awards in Europe, Concept/Brand (2016). Currently, she received a Merit Scholarship from the University Rectory of Lisbon and she is concluding the PhD in the FA, in Theory and Practice of the project, under the title of: “HOTEL “LOCUS”- Intervention in the structural Y of Lisbon”. Simultaneously, she works as an Assistant in the Discipline of Project, collaborating with Research Laboratories as a research member of the CIAUD..

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