With the increasingly widespread access to the computer, new digital technologies have gradually become a tool for widespread use in obtaining the visual record.

The aim of this project, through praxis on an experimental basis, is to understand and take advantage of the unique and exclusive expressive characteristics of these new two-dimensional representation instruments, specifically in this case, the using of Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator programs.

In terms of methodology, as in the case of any other conventional instrument of representation in Drawing, it is necessary to understand the computer and this specific software, with regard to its intricacies of physical and technical nature, in order to obtain mastery of the same and not the other way around, because the software programs by the way they are designed, provide facilitation in the way we use them and don’t stimulate creativity and the consequent search for new ways in their use.

Used in a conventional way this new tool can become reductive, while used in a creative way, it opens up a wide range of possibilities in terms of plastic expression.

It is intended, from an exhaustive and creative praxis, to make it possible to see that this new tool / instrument of representation allows the opening of a wide range of possibilities in obtaining the two-dimensional visual register, as has happened throughout the history of mankind, whenever a new visual instrument has been created.


António Canau