Interstitial Spatialities in Art and Contemporary Architecture

Architecture, in its general field of practice, theory and living space and form, is the main research line of this project, titlled “Interstitial Spatialities in Art and Contemporary Architecture”. It is a collective research project with a multicultural team that research within the contemporary project, the drawing, the history and the theory, crossing it with other research lines as art, painting, sculpture, instalation, photography, music; literature, poetry; design, in theirs intentions, ideas, forms, materials, colours, lights, etc. The main purpose of the projet is to explore the theme of the “between” in space, spatiality and form in architectural and artistic design process and representation; updating and developing the research carried out in coordinator's PhD Thesis. Within a transcultural condition it seak to research possibilities between different cultural fields and explore borders, frontiers, interstitialities in-between ideas, concepts, forms, structures, spatialities, programmes, functions, expressions, contexts, inspirations, etc., that some how integrate the contemporary architecture form and space. All the research and work produced has it dissemination on conferences, seminars, colloquiums, publishing articles and catalogs/books; workshops; exhibitions, in the university and others institutions.


Ana Vasconcelos (coord.), Jorge Cruz Pinto, Mário Kong, Ana Guerreiro, Bárbara Formiga, Soraia Noorali