The inner road less travelled: ruins and landscape

We are aiming at contributing to a reflection about different features of the ruin in its symbolical, philosophical and aesthetical implications. Moreover, we would like to explore the allegorical relation of the ruin with the existential representation of human condition, of the identity of communities and cultures, as well as identify the reactions of the occurrences of sublime in artistic representation of ruins. Also, and as a complement to research, we are concerned with the representation of the aesthetical category of sublime, through the predominance of the ruin along with certain qualities of the landscape.

Creative Process of the Arts and Drawing

All visual arts imply a creative process that contains a diversity of premises and conditions which are based in the author’s characteristics, those of media, of communication function, theme or historical period where they pertain to. We aim, therefore at exploring the issues connected to the creative process, in an attempt to contribute to reveal the parameters that conform it, as well as study some authors or themes less studied even nowadays.


Alexandra Ai Quintas