ESTAT | Eco Solar Transformer Architecture Technology

Eco Solar Transformer Architecture is an innovative smart building solution that crosses mutable forms of artistic expression with forms of technological content. This architectural concept results from the combination of Philosophy + Art + Technology, specially designed for small and medium skyscrapers, can also be applied to existing buildings retrofit. Through kinetic mechanical principles and solar energy, it creates an iconic building envelope with infinite metamorphosis. The technology consists of a mechanical computerized motion system applied to a modular grid-panels envelope.

The photovoltaic grid produces active efficient energy, and its shading and natural ventilation system improve bio-climatic passive solutions, integrating aesthetic, formal and functional aspects. The modular grid-panels are designed to create decorative patterns inspired by traditional mushrabiyas and fractal geometry. The panels contain photovoltaic cells and sun-tracking sensors, providing the building with energy, and redirecting the unused energy to the local net. The panels’ motions are produced by mechanical devices, which allow following the solar geometry. In evening and night, the movements controlled by a computer allow an infinity of the envelope transformations, combined with other additional components and performances. The grid panels can also include LED units, performing light design transfigurations and working as an urban display.


Prof. Jorge Cruz Pinto (CIAUD-FAUL) | Arq. Cristina Mantas (JCP+CM) | Prof. Ljiljana Cavic (CIAUD-FAUL) | Prof. Soheyl Sazedj (CIAUD-CIAUD) | Prof. João Goes (FCT – UNL)