Jorge da Cruz Pinto

Born in Vidigueira, Portugal, 1960 • Degree in Architecture by the FAUTL, 1984 • Doctor in Architecture, by ETSA Madrid, 1998 • Full Professor of Architectural Design at FAUL • President of the Scientific Council • Head of the Architecture Department (2002-09) • President of the CIAUD 2006-09 • Founder and coordinator of the “International Architectural Design Seminars FAUTL, 2002-12 • Coordinator of the Ph. D. Program in Architecture, FA-UL (2009-12, 2015-19) • Invited Professor at MasterPares, La Sapienza, Università di Roma (2007-2012) and Facoltà di Architettura di Matera – Università Basilicata (2014-15) • Author of books and articles about architecture and aesthetics • Chief Architect at JCP+CM, Arquitectos Lda • Visual Artist •