Ana Vasconcelos

Ana Vasconcelos (Mozambique, 1971) is architect, assistant professor at the Faculdade de Arquitetura - Universidade de Lisboa, and PhD at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; with a postgraduate degree in Arquitetura da Habitação (1999, FA-UTL) and in Estudios Avanzados en el Área de Proyectos Arquitectónicos (2004, ETSAM-UPM). Architecture (theory and practice on architectural design) is her principal scientific work and investigation's field, in conjunction with art and culture fields. In 2002 began to participate in international scientific meetings, in organization and participation of congresses as the Seminários Internacionais de Projeto - Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the Faculdade de Arquitetura - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. She writes articles in the following investigation theme: The in-between space in contemporary architecture and art field.

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