Alexandra Ai Quintas

Alexandra Ai Quintas (Lisbon, 1961). Graduated in Architecture (FAUTL, 1984). Master in Rehabilitation of Architecture and Urban centers (FA-UTL, 2001) Do Passeio Público à Pena, um Percurso do Jardim Romântico. PhD in Architeture (FAUTL, 2009). Has been teaching, since 1990, at the Faculdade de Arquitectura ULisboa. Efective member of CIAUD/FAUL, since 2010. Research interests: Gesamtkunstwerk, History of Art, Drawing and Aesthetics. Research projects connected to the creative processes of the Arts and Architecture and the representation of landscape: The creative Process of the Arts and Drawing; Of Sublime, towards and hermeneutics of ruin and landscape.