3rd edition

If Architecture is a relationship (between the one that inhabits and-what-it-has-to-be-inhabited) and, second, that she, as a product, is caused by graphical representations of various kinds (the broad sense that we call "image"); more: dwell on those representations-is a way of inhabiting different from that (s) they promise and/or suggest and/or fantasize when put in-form architectural when built so; on the assumption that the architecture (same as "relationship") is in germ in these images that think/imagine: This research proposes to study: how this germ or the seed of architecture exists in these representations (whether images designs with a more academizante / manual penchant: sketches a la prima, esbocetos, schemes, etc .; are the result of the Recent digital technologies: such as parametric design, molding nubrs, by rendering radiosity, algorithmic modeling, etc.); the how do you teach future designers to build images that contain with the aim of reducing the discrepancies between the virtual and the dwell-habitar- "real" (- "effective" or-). Other lines of research certainly emerged in the course of this investigation, deserving this summary of successive updates.


Pedro António Janeiro, Fernando Moreira da Silva, Jorge Cruz Pinto, Maria Dulce Loução, Miguel Baptista-Bastos, Ana Moreira da Silva, Javier Segui de la Riva, Javier Mosteiro, Javier Raposo, Ana Esteban Maluenda, Teresa Fonseca, Ana Godinho Gil, Paolo Portoghesi, Carmine Gambardella, Alessandro Ciambrone, Salvatore Barba, Francesca Fatta, Antonello Monaco, Francesco Moschini, Francesco Maggiore, Vincenzo D’Alba, Walter Angelico, Santo Giunta, Giuseppe De Giovanni, Antonio Conte, Angela Colonna, Antonella Guida, Pedro da Luz Moreira, Marcelo de Andrade Romero, Myrna de Arruda Nascimento, Feres Lourenço Khoury, Luís Antônio Jorge, Artur Rozestraten, Eneida de Almeida, Fernando Vázquez Ramos, Mauro Santoro Campello, Ricardo Ferreira Lopes, Valéria Fialho.